What Information Should Be Included on Hang Tags?

What Information Should Be Included on Hang Tags?

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Ever bought a new piece of clothing and noticed the small tag hanging off it? That little piece of paper or fabric, known as a hang tag, holds more power than you might think. It’s a key player in branding and marketing, offering valuable information to consumers. Let's dive into what information should be included on hang tags to make them effective and informative.

The Purpose of Hang Tags

What Are Hang Tags?

Hang tags are small tags attached to products, especially in the fashion industry, that provide essential information about the item. They are typically made of paper, cardboard, or fabric and hang off the product using a string, ribbon, or plastic fastener.

Importance in Branding and Marketing

Hang tags do more than just hang around. They play a crucial role in branding, helping to communicate the brand’s identity and values. They also serve as a marketing tool, influencing purchasing decisions by providing key product information and creating a memorable first impression.

Essential Information on Hang Tags

Brand Name and Logo

Your hang tag should prominently feature your brand name and logo. This helps in establishing brand identity and ensuring that customers can easily recognize your products. A well-designed logo can also enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tag.

Product Name and Description

Include the product name and a brief description. This gives customers a quick overview of what the product is and highlights any unique features. Make sure the description is clear, concise, and informative.

Size and Measurements

For clothing and accessories, indicating the size and measurements is crucial. This information helps customers determine if the product will fit them, reducing the likelihood of returns and exchanges.


Including the price on the hang tag is a no-brainer. It provides transparency and allows customers to make informed purchasing decisions without needing to ask for assistance.

Barcode or QR Code

A barcode or QR code is essential for inventory management and easy checkout. It also enables customers to access additional information or exclusive content by scanning the QR code with their smartphones.

Additional Information to Enhance Value

Material and Care Instructions

Details about the material and care instructions are highly valued by customers. This information helps them understand the quality of the product and how to maintain it properly, ensuring longevity.

Social Media Handles and Website

Including your social media handles and website URL encourages customers to connect with your brand online. It’s an excellent way to drive traffic to your online platforms and build a community around your brand.

Sustainability Information

If your brand is committed to sustainability, highlight this on your hang tag. Information about eco-friendly materials, ethical manufacturing practices, and sustainability certifications can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.

Special Features or Benefits

Any special features or benefits of the product should be mentioned on the hang tag. Whether it’s water-resistant, hypoallergenic, or has a unique design element, these details can influence purchasing decisions.

Origin and Manufacturing Details

Including where the product was made and details about the manufacturing process can add value, especially if your brand emphasizes craftsmanship, local production, or ethical practices.

Design Considerations for Hang Tags

Aesthetic Appeal

The design of your hang tag should reflect your brand’s aesthetic. Use colors, fonts, and graphics that align with your brand identity. A visually appealing hang tag can catch the eye and enhance the overall perception of the product.


Choose materials that are durable enough to withstand handling but still look good. The tag should remain intact and legible throughout the product’s time on the retail floor.


Ensure that the text on your hang tag is easy to read. Use a font size and style that is clear, and avoid overcrowding the tag with too much information. Balance is key to maintaining readability and aesthetic appeal.


Hang tags are small but mighty tools in the retail world. They provide essential information, enhance the shopping experience, and contribute to your branding efforts. By including key details such as the brand name, product description, price, and care instructions, you can create an informative and appealing hang tag that adds value to your products.

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